The weekend was great. We took my Uncle out for his 77th birthday. He and my Aunt had a great time. Other than that there wasn't all that much of interest to talk about.
I did see Jenny McCarthy's movie Dirty Love. It's the one she wrote and starred in.

If you are looking for great cinema, stay far away from this one. But if you like Jenny's style of humor, which is way off the wall, then you'll love it. I did.
I have gotten addicted to the PC game Civilization all over again. I played it a lot a few years ago. Now I've started a couple of games and I'm right back into it. I forgot how cool it is. I have this huge game going where I custom made the largest world possible with the highest amout of rival civilizations possible in it. It's great.
That's about it. Not a lot to tell. I hope everyone's weekend was great.
Hmmm, Jenny McCarthy can write? Who knew? I'll skip it, thanks.
She looks like a skanky Reese Witherspoon.
Wow. I haven't heard Civilization in ages. I really dug that game for a bit. I am a big nerd. I should probably say something about Jenny, for balance. She's mega hot. There I said it.
Yep Jody hse can write. As for the movie, well it didn't take much to write it I don't think.
Cindy Lou, that comment made me choke on my coffee! Too funny.
Sharkbait, I happen to think Jenny is hot too.
Currentyl I am way back into my Civilization addiction. I have a game going in Civ II and Civ III. I think I'm going to buy Civ IV this weekend.
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