Monday, August 13, 2007

Still Here

It's been a hectic week here in YB land. Sorry for the silence Meritt. No, we haven't been drawn into the ex's mess. We know little since the boys involved aren't allowed to speak to anyone about it. Not even to each other and they live in the same house. lol The recurring theme is simply confusion. No one seems to know why this happened.

So I've been playing by myself for a few days. Keeping out of the drama. I hate drama anyway. I am a lucky one in that drama usually stays away from me. This is sorta on the periphery and I've managed to just keep moving along without too much involvement. Nicci is stressed but she is getting better.

The weekend was actually a good one. Mostly because no one bugged me a lot. This work week will be another rough one. Last week was the worst one scheduled yet so maybe this week will seem like an improvement. We'll see. But I just got a call about a problem so I already have to run. I will try to be back sometime today.

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