Friday, December 01, 2006

Quizzes Kinda Suck

I don't know why I take these quizzes. I never have a result that could be considered socially acceptable. Maybe I should lie some? Oh well, away we go......

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

Purity Test

MY RESULT:Completely Contaminated

You beast, you. Save yourself now before your mother has a nervous breakdown.

On the eSPIN Purity Scale (patent pending), you score 1 Purity Point out of 6. (Honestly, we'd prefer to make it zero out of 6, but then we'd have to get the authorities involved, and you'd have to hire a lawyer, and,'s more hassle than it's worth.) Even though, on our scale, you're pretty much the scum of the earth, there's still a way for you to redeem yourself and purify your soul. How about an exorcism?

Take This Quiz!

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What's Your Mental Age?


A delicate blend of childlike enthusiasm and adult-style maturity. Well, a little bit of maturity.

You've got a free spirit, and you love to have fun. Admirable qualities for sure. Just be sure not to have too much fun. You know, like, one-way-ticket-to-the-emergency-room fun. Oh, who are we kidding? You'll do just fine.

Take This Quiz!

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