Friday, September 29, 2006

1200th Post - A Personal Thanks

She calls me sometimes. Just to talk. To catch up. To enjoy. We laugh. We act silly. We share amazement at the world. We play.

I don't always catch her. But I always wish I did.

I hate seeing that 'missed call' thing on the phone. When I do I know that I've missed her again. It bums me out.

She called last night. I answered. She was surprised. I was happy. Hearing her voice is one of my most favorite things.

We talked. We laughed. We bitched, we commiserated, we shared, we helped each other be less confused. We giggled at the absurdity of it all.

We played.

Our little private corner of the universe is my most favorite place. I wonder if she knows that?

I wonder if she knows how welcome she is in my world? I wonder if she knows how much I appreciate her friendship? I wonder if she'd believe me if I told her?

I may try:

She is a special person. Her style is unique. Her outlook is unique. She is unique. There is only one. That is a shame. For everyone who doesn't get to know her, it is a shame.

I sit in wonder sometimes. Wonder at..... her. I sit and think "What if?" I sit and smile.

Today I was happier. Because last night she called. Last night I answered.

So I will use this little landmark, this 1200th post to tell her that I am thankful. That I am happy that I know her. That she makes me smile. That thinking of her even for just a second, warms me.

Thanks for your sparkle Luv. Life feels so good. :)

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