Sunday, September 03, 2006

Buzzed Post

**Copied from the other blog. This is fun!!

I don't know exactly what I will write here. I am buzzing my ass off right now and enjoying the hell out of it. I went to my friend Tammie's birthday party earlier and had a blast. I also had a gallon or so of wine... Sutter Home White Zinfandel, Behringer White Zinfandel, two types of homemade wine and right now I am sipping on Bailey's Irish Cream to maintain the buzz. It was a lot of fun.

Maintenance is an art, btw. If you can't maintain without going over the edge, well.... then you suck I guess.

Anyway, right now I feel like calling My Girl Friday. (Yeah, that is code for someone almost no one knows about.) If I do she will be cool about it. If I don't and I tell her I thought about it then she will be either pissed or bummed, depending on which day she thinks about it. Strange thing that, being able to predict the negativity and the recurring reminders but not being able to predict which will happen on which day.

Ah hell, what do I care anyway? Temporary people are temporary people even when you don't want them to be temporary. They know they are temps and you know they are temps but one or the othr of you don't want to admit to it. Then the temp time expires and sudden;y one or the other finds themselves totally screwed in the head. It's the way it is. Fortunately I don't have a problem with my head. I know where and when and what I am all the time. Missing someones input is one thing. Missing someone is another. Get it? I get it.

I wonder why I'm writing right now? Probably because I'm feelin no pain. It's neat. I probably will look over this tomorrow and erase it. Read fast friends. Read fast. Of course I am way too private and I probably didn't give up any secrets anyway. Tell me Luv, did I? You would know the truth.

OK, wait a sec. I can't read some of this. Is there a spell check?


So now I'm going to bed. Buzzing and wishing I was elsewhere. Always wishing I was elsewhere. Good night blogger buds. Hug yourselves goodnight for me.

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