Monday, April 23, 2007

The Weekend's Here And........

....we'll have a can of beer! Anyone else remember that song? You'd have to be from my area to know what that is I guess.

Anyway, the weekend was really cool! The weather was awesome so I decided to break in the new grill and invited some friends over on Saturday night. I got one of those cute little stainless steel, mushroom looking grills for the deck. The one I had was too big and took up a lot of space. So I gave it away and got the little one.

Typical of me, I decided to invite people over Friday evening for Saturday. Ha ha. I even called one person at 3:00 Saturday to see if he wanted to come over. Arrival time around 5:00. lol Anyway, everyone came and we had a blast.

Also typical of us (Nicci especially) the menu grew to giant proportions. I had planned on a simple 'burgers and dogs' night. Nicci decided a salad would be good. Then some bar-b-qued chicken was added. (That was awesome! Mesquite and honey.) Then some rice was added. You know, to go with the chicken. Then cous-cous (for whatever reason). Salsa, dips and 3 different kinds of chips snuck in there somewhere. Naturally we had to have dessert. Ice cream is a must. Homemmade apple pie and strawberry pie.

For drinks, we had the usual sodas and all that. One of our friends makes his own wine so he brought 3 different kinds with him. Contrary to the title here, I don't remember any beer. Huh. Doesn't matter. There was so much stuff no one even cared.

The grill was interesting to use. If you've ever tried to cook on a new grill you know it can be interesting to figure out the settings for cooking. I tinkered with it all through the process and I'm happy to say..... I never got it right. I had flames flying, smoke everywhere, and just general mayhem during all the cooking. But the end result was that everything turned out great. I'm just not real sure how. :)

The wine was really good too. My friend made some strawberry chardonney (pardon if I misspell), some peach wine hot rodded with a higher alcohol content and some other kind that I forget what it was. But they were all good. Nicci made some excellent margaritas too. They are always in demand with my friends.

It was a good time.

So after a long day/night of visitors and partying, Sunday was pretty quiet. We had a friend stop by and have tea with Nicci. One of my friends stopped by (thanks to Nicci trying to play matchmaker the night before) at the same time. They are both single now and they seemed to hit it off. We'll see how that goes, if it does.

So my weekend was filled with good food, good friends and visitors to my house. That visitors thing is unusual so it was a nice change. We are winter hibernators I guess. But the thing is, when we start getting company, you know winter is over. That is a good thing. :)

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