Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I Am A Yankee

So yesterday I start this project. I started prepping at 10:30, headed into the clean room by 11:00 and got it done by 4:15. That was my day. No breaks, no food, just steady.

On the way home I was starved so I forced myself to stop at the Burger King drive thru for a burger. Just something to take the edge off the hunger. I do the order thing and drive up to the window. The guy was really friendly and jovial. I didn't mind him at all. Then he notices my Yankee shirt. He smiles and says "Oh, you're a Yankee fan?" I told him yes and we chatted a bit about Baseball. I was thinking that he seemed pretty OK. He went on for a bit about how the Yankees were surging and they were coming back and how they always are so great. I started to like him even more. Then he said "They worry me a lot since I am a Boston fan."

That did it. My demeanor totally changed. I felt it and couldn't stop it. It came over me instantly and there was no avoiding it. Suddenly this guy was a jerk in my mind. An inferior being. A bum.

He started joking that maybe he should charge me more. He pretended to punch extra buttons like he was ringing up extra stuff. I flatly said "I think you should be giving it to me free." He looked at me smiling but the smile instantly disappeared from his face. I'm sure he saw the look on my face and it scared him. I have a special look that I reserve for Boston bums. It's a special look that instantly shows my distaste and disdain for a person. He could see that I was dead serious and that the playing was over. I was serious (at that moment in time) too. He didn't say another word, then I got my stuff and drove away feeling pretty good. :)

This morning I was thinking about it and realized that I am a bigot. I am a racist. For me racism isn't about a person's race. It's about their bad taste in Baseball teams. I can't stand a sux fan. They are inferior beings. Losers. Knowing someone is a sux fan instantly turns me off toward them. It has happened many times before and obviously it will keep happening. And you know what? I am so happy about it. I am a Yankee. That makes me feel pretty good if you wanna know.


Is that hardcore enough for the morning?

It's funny how we train ourselves to be certain ways about things. Over the years this hatred of sux fans has developed into a true part of my being. But people do that with lots of trivial things in their lives and don't even notice it. I have had that reaction a million times and am just now realizing it. I'll bet there are lots of people out there who have the same reaction to silly stuff too. Like what kind of ketchup a person prefers, what type of beer a person likes, who a person is friends with, how a person dresses, the usual dumb stuff we end up being so judgemental about. It's a goofy thing about humans I guess.

But I am glad for one thing. My goofy reaction to sux fans is justified and makes perfect sense, unlike all those other things people are prejudiced about. :P

There simply can be no doubt...... I am a Yankee.

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