Monday, April 24, 2006

I've Been Away.....

** I have been trying to post this all day but Blogger was being a butt!

The weekend is over. I'm ambivilant. I don't know if it was a good one or a bad one. I was set to play poker with my friends on Friday but I got the guilt trip before hand. So I went anyway. I managed to lose a little but the night was great. Seeing all the old friends again was worth the hassle.

I lost my cell phone. Friday night somewhere, I lost it. I had no idea how a silly thing like a cell phone can be such a big part of everyday life. It sneaks up on you and next thing you know, it's an important part of life.

When I realized that all my friends numbers and some special numbers were in there, I was a little upset. A lot of numbers I couldn't get back. I also still had a ton of text messages saved, pictures I hadn't loaded onto the computer and some silly texts I have sent. (I like being goofy at times.) When I thought of someone else looking into my life like that, I was really freaked. There really is a lot of life stored in a silly cell phone. Lose yours once and see how it makes you feel thinking about someone else having it.

I got it back Saturday morning. Lucky. I went out right away and got what I needed to get the pics off it onto the computer. $80.00 well spent. Whew!

Then I became domestic. (A state I hate more than anything else.) I walked into the garage and hated what I saw. So I spent 5-6 hours organizing and cleaning it. Now everything is in it's place, even the tools are neatly organized. The floors are clean. All nice and pretty. What did I think when I saw what I had done? "Good job YB!" Yep, I called myself YB. I do that a lot lately.

That night I tried to get into blogging but I couldn't. I didn't feel like it. I did check to see if anyone was on for a chat but no one was so I hung out alone watching Baseball. Nice evening all in all.

Sunday came and I had to cut the grass. We have a lwan service coming today so it had to be done. I started the mower and it ran for maybe 5 minutes, then it quit. I wondered a bit but it restarted right away. Then it quit again in about a minute. It slowed down and then sputtered out. I thought that was strange so I decided to see if it would start again. It did, then it slowed down and then Bang! the whole side of the motor blew out. Big chunks of metal flying in a huge cloud of white smoke. It was cool!

That mower was only 33 days old and the motor blew up. It had oil in it. I don't know what happened. But here's the coolest part; Lowe's took it back and gave me a new one without any questions. I got the yard done after all. If anyone wants to bad mouth Lowe's you will have to talk to someone else. They are good to me.

Yesterday I also took the family out for lunch. One of my Aunts had her birthday on Friday. She is 77 now. Weird to think of her being 77. We offered to take her to this one really nice place but she refused. Her favorite place is one of those infamous old people places where they have buffets. Salad, generic food and dessert buffets. She said she loves the place. So we went there. It was OK. It also cost about 1/4 of what I would have paid so I made out I guess.

Does anyone else have one of those family members who do so much for the family that they don't know how to accept something graciously? I do. My other Aunt always argues about paying for lunch/dinner. I knew it would happen. I made sure it was all one bill and when the time came, she was freaking out. The weird part is that she always has us over for dinner. They have a furniture store and they don't even charge the family for things. She never forgets birthdays or holidays. But she gets freaky when I try to buy her lunch. Too bad. I did it anyway.

So in the afternoon I ran a few miles. It hurt. It still hurts. I've been away from running for a while. (A long while.) So the first few weeks will hurt. But I am finally off my ass and getting into a routine. All I needed was the start. I once had a routine of working out on the machine (which I set up this weekend too) and then running 2 miles. I did that for years and I felt great. I plan on getting back to that now. Wish me luck.

There's my weekend. I have been away from blogging for a few days so this got long. The funny thing is, when I read over this post, I realize that life can be pretty bland. When the coolest thing to happen was a lawnmower blowing up, maybe I need some more adventure. Yeah, I think I do. Don't we all?

Happy Monday.

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