Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Baseball Just Isn't The Same

Did everyone enjoy that ass-whipping the Yanks put on the Sux last night as much as I did? I'm sure you all did. If you didn't then there has to be something wrong with you. :)

It was a great game. I love the fact that the Yanks are so beat up with way too many injuries and they are still doing well. Plus, kicking the crap out of the A.L. East is the best.

There is one thing bugging me though. I did notice once again that 'The Rivalry' just doesn't feel the same. I thought maybe I was just imagining it but now I see that every time I watch the boys play the Sux I just don't feel the heat of it like I used to. I still get upset when they do badly. I still get excited when they do well. But it just isn't the same for me anymore.

I think the worst thing to ever happen to Baseball is when the Sux won the series. Not just because that particular team was an embarrassment to the game (which it was) but because the great rivalry between them and us was diminished. It's like we don't really have some sup[er important mission anymore. That is to keep them from inning a championship. We do have to try and keep them out of the postseason but we failed that one time and it's a permanent feeling. We failed the Babe.

Oh well. It's still fun to play against them as the greatest enemy we will ever know. It just doesn't have the heat it once did. Not for me anyway. I wonder if other Yankees feel the same about it? As long as we keep whipping them I guess it's OK then. :)

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