Friday, July 27, 2007

Assessing My Mental Health

I took a mental health day today. I put in for it Wednesday and on Thursday I knew I was going to need it. I did.

Now I'm trying to assess my mental health. It still seems a little loose. lol

But the day has been awesome. No one bugging me. No hassles from so-called superiors. No dorks making me worry for the human race. Alone with myself. Well, almost. Me and a nice Margarita. Nothing like a Cuervo Gold Margarita made just right. Ummmmm....

So I was wondering something. Why do people leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put their useless junk in the garage?

Have you ever wondered that? Around here you see it in every other house. The garage opens and there is no room in there for a car. One guy on our street has 3 cars and none go into the garage.

Personally I think that is mental.

I also wanna know why a Doctor calls what he does "practice". If he's practicing, I don't want him touching me. Get good, then call me.

I also wonder why I wonder about some things. :)

So soon I will be reunited with some high school buds. Maybe as soon as next weekend (or was it the weekend after that?). But the big reunion (all 5 of us) is happening later in August. I am kinda psyched about it. There have been a few emails passed back and forth about it so I know it's for real.

I stink at keeping up with people via email and other means but I am making an effort this time around. Considering that email is so simple you gotta wonder about a guy like me. But thats me.

I think the weekend will be odd. Nothing but free time. Those are dangerous times to be around Nicci. Usually she comes up with some annoying project to do. But this week she has been talking about getting a BMW again. Even surfing the net looking for one. Maybe we will finally get rid of that stinky old Scion and get the Beamer back. Well, not the Beamer. Another Beamer. You know what I mean. That would be a good project. Ler's wait and see, shall we? OK.

Well, gotta go now. My girls are waiting for me. You know, my WoW girls. They get impatient waiting so I gotta run. I'm feelin the love. lol

Great weekend to all. Who knows? Maybe I'll even blog over the weekend. Stranger things have happened. I'm here this evening so I guess you never know.


Rene said...

Hey! I'm definitely going to be home next weekend for the shingdig at my sister's, so if you get a free minute at some point that weekend, before Sunday, call my cell and let me know if you want to meet up and say hi somewhere! I would love to see you before the big reunion weekend! Have a great weekend. I'm off to my personal trainer (torturer) to try to get into shape. God knows I need it!

Quyen said...


I can't believe you're still blogging! That's awesome! :) This is Quyen, BTW. I know. Old School, huh? :P Just thought I'd drop by and say hi :)