Friday, April 15, 2005

A Few Things Going Through My Mind This Morning

Maybe it's too much coffee or something but I have the urge to post quite a few personal opinions here for your reading pleasure (or not):

I think the way the Post Office stays open extra hours for negligent people sucks.

I think the modern day liberal is mentally unbalanced.

I think Latina babes are sexy.

I don’t understand why anyone cares about wtf Britney Spears is up to.

I think Dean Martin was a better singer but Frank Sinatra had better songs.

I think people who believe ‘in the power of love’ are in for a lot of rude awakenings.

I think Crash Davis was a genius. ("I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.")

I think Unions are destroying the economy.

I think marriage is over-rated.

I think romance is under-rated.

I think Blogger babes are sexy.

I think the lack of personal grooming by the red sux is an insult to the game.

I think the new Pope should be Latvian Orthodox. (Then George Costanza could be Pope.)

I think Charles and his gross new wife should be exiled for what they did to Diana.

I think gun control nuts are committing treason.

I think anyone displaying the confederate flag is committing treason.

I think Congress passing a bill so fast during the Schaivo thing told everyone that they suck at their jobs normally. (Since they normally take forever to do stuff that really is their job.)

I think the state of Maryland sucks.

I think the modern day 'athlete' is a spoiled, overpaid, over-rated cry-baby. (Most of them anyway.)

I can’t understand why anyone likes “The Sound Of Music”.

I think all schools should have uniforms and a strict dress code. (Then the freaks would blend in and not get their asses kicked as much.)

I think people with too many opinions are annoying (at best). ;)

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