Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Important Ethical Question Of The Moment

In keeping with the latest trend of blogger world awareness I thought we should discuss this important issue.

Are we too cruel to KFC chickens? Can they be bred, fed, grown to plump juicy, delightfully round proportions and then slaughtered in a more humane way? Pam Anderson thinks so. Do we?

Check out this link.

Pam Anderson KFC Exposé

If Pam Anderson says it is bad, well, it must be. How can she be wrong? Just look and see her credentials:

Not too many others know about breasts any better than she would. The legs too. I mean, anyone who would strip naked in public for their cause has to have some credibility, right? (Now, don't think I am against stripping. Au contraire mon frair , I love that idea! Wish I had been there for that.)

So what does the blog world think? Should we just stop eating delicious KFC chicken and join the ranks of the mentally unstable PETA people? Or should we just keep on keepin on and enjoy what God has given us?



Loner said...

Bob - she scares me - and her chest looks like it might explode anyminute. However - I can't imagine why a person would start their campaign to change the world with KFC. Seems to me that if she is that worried, she could start by donating the money from her multiple weddings to a decent charity somewhere instead.

cat said...

I do not admit that she is Canadian.

And I LOVE me some KFC (or rather PFK as we in Quebec call it).

Yankeebob said...

Loner, those boobs do look like they are about to pop. Its scary to see.

Cat, I knew she was Canadian but I still like Canada anyway. The USA has a lot of dorks too. :)