Monday, November 06, 2006

Today's Daily Observation

How come people can't say "height"? Around here it's always "heighth".

Along those lines, a lot of people say "WalMarts" or KMarts". There is no "s" on the end. A lot of them say "mines" too as in "That car is mines". It's "mine" or did you have different grammar classes than I did?

I'd also like to smack the next person who says, "Wit chu..." and not "with you".

It's "creek", not "crick". It's "scratching an itch" not "Itching an itch". It's "turning on a light" not "cutting it on". Cutting usually means off, stopping, eliminating.

English is the language around here but most of the time you just can't tell.

Stupid asses.

Oh... and there is no such word as "irregardless". Look it up.

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