Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Movie Quotes

I have this knack for remembering lines from movies or TV shows. Usually not the big lines that people always remember. Just dumb stuff that makes me smile. Here are a few I always remember. See if you can guess what movie/show they are from. (Forgive me if they aren't perfectly word for word.)

"OK, I've been hanging with you fungi in a vain attempt to cool you out but all I'm getting is breeze. So, cie le vie!"

"Can't you see what's going on here? There is nothing between him and us but a thin layer of gaberdine!"

"You're a good egg Noonan."

"You've got to remember, that these are just simple farmers, these are people of the land, the common clay of the new west. You know . . . morons."

"Do you know you have an attitude problem?" "Yeah, but it's just a little one."

"My car is not a piece of shit." "It is a piece of shit but don't worry about it, I don't even have a piece of shit so I have to envy yours."

"Hello, this is Harris. I'm in right now, so you can talk to me personally. Please, start talking at the sound of the beep."

Those are the ones that I thought about while mowing. lol

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