Friday, September 21, 2007

MTV Sucks

As I was sitting on the pot this morning that old Robert Plant song “Big Log” came into my head (for obvious reasons). I started thinking about how I like that song but I have never gotten where the title comes from. It’s a love song and he’s talking about being “in league with the freeway” but I still to this day don’t know why it’s called “Big Log”.

Maybe he wrote it while he was on the pot?

Then I started thinking about a Men At Work song called “No Sign Of Yesterday”. (I guess I’m having flashbacks this morning.) I love that one too. I remember the MTV video and how those guys always did something funny. But these days MTV isn’t really about music is it? Nope. In the ‘good old days’ MTV was all about music. I remember the days of us having our weekend parties and even though our music was playing we would have MTV on waiting for the best videos to come on. When they did we would turn it up and check them out. There were great specials then too like Head Bangers Ball and always a build-up to a new video. It was a great time.

MTV just sucks now though. They need to take the Music part out of their name and change it to something more appropriate. Maybe they should just be called “Catering To Pop Culture Crap TV”.

Now MTV is just another boring old TV station. Nothing special at all. I didn’t even mind the shorts they started doing back then. I do remember thinking that I hoped it wouldn’t get out of hand. Look what happened. But Liquid TV was awesome. Then it was a half hour interruption only. Not the norm like today. At least it did bring us Aeon Flux.

Speaking of which, didn’t the movie version bite? I was really disappointed with it. It had the potential but they watered it down too much and it kinda sucked. But that’s what they do with good ideas. I don’t know why. The movie version of BloodRayne really, really sucked. That one should easily have been great. But nope, they crewed with it too much. Stupid asses.

Moving on…….

One of the hazards of being in the area I live is farmers driving their big, slow tractors on the roads. It’s a weird thing but they seem to manage to do it during the rush hours all the time. This morning it happened again. A looooong line behind a slow assed tractor during peak rush hour. I just don’t get it. Those tractors are made for driving across the fields. They should keep them off the roads.

I think they do it on purpose. The young guys are probably thinking how much fun it is to screw with the drivers. The old guys are probably just sure that they have the right of way since they are still doing what they consider ‘the noble profession’ or whatever. Old guys are like that. I can hear them now, “If I don’t get to work, you don’t have anything to eat!” They probably don’t realize that I’m thinking, “Take a fucking vacation day Pops. I’m too fat now and skipping a meal or two won’t bug me at all. Get out of the road!”

LOL Sometimes I crack myself up. :)

I am really looking forward to the weekend. Just because it’s the weekend. No other reason. Sometimes I don’t think about that but on other Fridays I get really psyched for the weekend to start. Today will not be over with soon enough. I won’t even care if a stupid farmer gets in the road on the way home. At least I’ll be on my way home. :)

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