Thursday, May 18, 2006

Leaving Again, Round #2

So today I will be putting in my 2 weeks notice at work. I have been recruited by my old job (for a different position) and they are being quite good to me. So I really have to take it seriously and get my butt back there.

I left this current job back in November and then came back in December when things just didn't work out. If I leave here again I know for sure they won't want me back. Heck, I wouldn't either. It looks like a pattern but the truth is I never once went looking for a new job. I was forcibly taken both times for tours & interviews. Ok fine! I could have said no but I am naturally curious. I couldn't help myself.

If I was smarter I would just have left well enough alone. I like it where I am and really I have no complaints. But now my brain is working overtime on the problems of the new job and how I can solve them. That is something I just can't resist. I like the challenge.

My current boss and I spoke about this yesterday and she is willing to reorganize the department to give me some more stuff to keep me interested and happy. I'm thinking that it's just not possible to do that now that I have been to the other side and gotten my mind going in that direction. It was a nice compliment though.

So soon I'll be on a different blogging schedule again. Not that I've been the most consistant blogger lately anyway. But maybe I'll be even better since I'll have more limited access to the blog world. Let's hope that is true.

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