Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ring Around The Collar

I was thinking about a lot of stuff this morning. Some of it I thought "Hey, I should write that on the blog." But of course I forgot it all. Typical of me. I like to say that if I still had hair I'd be a blonde. I think thats the truth.

Do blondes get offended by blonde jokes?

I was thinking earlier that I like the way my blog is going these days. I just sit down and write whatever comes to mind (when I have the opportunity). I think thats why I started one in the first place. That ideal sure got lost in the shuffle for a while. I mentioned that to Lisa once recently, about how I don't like the way blogging has ended up for me. All pre-thought out and all. All concerned about what blog friends would think. She said it was weird to hear that from me since I never cared at all for what others thought about me or what I said. Sorta struck a chord with me. I realized that she was right (as always when it comes to me) and that I needed to just write what I felt like. Or quit. I'm not quitting.

I mentioned the other day about the cool Tace Bell Chihuahua commercials that I miss. I also miss the goofy "ring-around-the-collar" ones too. Remember those? I think it was for Wisk. But they made no sense at all and I always laughed. I remember this one where a guy had been busy making dinner for his girl. When she got there he was all excited and was telling her the whole menu that she was just in time for. He was saying, "You are just in time for my Chicken L'Orange, my veggies... etc..." and she interrupted him and said, "and your ring around the collar." Ha ha!

Now there is a mood breaker. I always thought that the dinner after that probably didn't go well. The romance was gone for sure. Poor guy, slaves away and all he gets is an insult about his laundry.

You never hear about ring around the collar anymore. Have we conquered that problem with the modern laundry methodology? Must have.

Today I get to go and help the people in the production area. They are behind and have a heavy schedule. I love days like this. Its why I volunteer. I don't have to think too much, don't have to schmooze anyone. I just have to keep busy. The day flies by. Thats a good thing.

The Jersey Girl just left my office. She comes by every morning for coffe and catching up. We work on a few projects together and we talk shop then. Coffee time is for other, more important stuff. :) Its our routine. Funny how certain routines are so improtant sometimes. When we don't have the time for morning coffee, the day just isn't the same. Now today will be pretty OK I think. At least the early part.

I started this post 1.5 hours ago. The interruptions and work stuff keeps getting in the way. Time sure does fly by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear you say "I'm not quitting."