Thursday, May 31, 2007

Watch Him Walk

I was walking down the hallway when the gay guy from another department came out of a lab door. He smiled nicely and we said hey to one another. Then I kept going.

I could hear him walking behind me so I knew he was there. It made me start to wonder if gay guys check out other guys? When I am walking behind a woman I catch myself looking. Usually its the shoes I look at first. (That is the truth!) But then I check out other things. Not trying to be a sleaze or anything. Its just a natural thing people do.

Anyway, I was wondering if he was looking me over. I think that if it were me, I would be checking out the guy in front of me. If even for just a moment. But do gay guys do stuff like that? I think they must. But I have no idea.

I'll bet lesbians check out other women. Women check out other women all the time. Its fun to hang with Lisa and look people over.

Whatever. It made me walk a little funny thinking someone was watching me walk. I hate that part of walking in front of someone. :)

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