Thursday, August 11, 2005

I Have Sprung A Leak

That’s right, I gave blood today. I’ll bet you were thinking something else, weren’t you? (I don’t blame you.)

I like giving blood regularly. I’m type 0 negative, so they always like it when I come in to bleed. Plus it’s a nice reminder of how under the surface (literally) we really are all the same. No matter what race or nationality, we all are people after all. I can have your blood, you can have mine and we don’t have to fight over it. We can all be happy.....

Ahhh crap! Even I’m getting sick of all that mushy, feel good bologna! The truth is, I just go for the free cookies. That’s the only reason. I am a chocolate chip cookie addict and any way I can get them, even if it means bleeding into a plastic bag, I’ll do it.

OK, now I really do feel better. The truth is out. Let’s see.... how long until I can donate again?

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