Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I'm Trying To Feel For Him...

I am trying to feel bad for Rafael Palmiero. I really am trying. But I just can't get there. I just can't be convinced that he accidentally took steroids. Accidentally implies that he was unaware of what he was putting into his body to get big, homerun hitters' muscles. These days a person in his position has to know every ingredient in the stuff they take. If they don't, they are true idiots.

Sorry but I'm not buying it.

This story tells about how he has taken to wearing earplugs while playing to keep from hearing all the boos from the crowd. Wearing earplugs! I kinda feel like that is more of a plea for pity than something that is actually effective. You can't tell me that earplugs will help with thousands of people surrounding you screaming their brains out. I'm not buying that one either.

I want to feel bad for the guy. I always liked him but now all I can think is "Too bad bud, you made your bed." Fans of Baseball don't like cheaters.

Ya mess wit the bull, ya get the horns, ya know what I mean?

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