Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I was wondering how anyone could think Michael Jackson is not guilty. Let's face it, when a 40 something year old man is sleeping in bed with young kids that he borrows from other people, he's already doing something wrong. That in itself is way out of line.

I heard that the KKK is having a rally in a town nearby. It's a small town and I can't imagine that type of thing there. The town guy says the park they have reserved for the event isn't restricted to these types of gatherings. To me, I wonder why the KKK is still allowed to exist let alone meet and disrupt little towns. Isn't almost eveything racist illegal? How come those dorks aren't? Freedom of speech is a whole lot different than freedom to instigate hate.

Paris Hilton's new commercial is getting a few people fired up. I saw it. The full length, over 1 minute version. It got me fired up too, but not for a burger. Personally, I liked it. I'll take what she's sellin'!

Isn't it funny that after you've been reading someone's blog for a long time you start to wonder what they are doing during the day? It's very possible to really like someone you've never met face to face. Not long ago I would have said that was crap. Live and learn.

Tuesday after a Monday holiday is really a waste. After a long weekend it still feels like a Monday, so there's not a lot of motivation happening. It's almost like having an extra day except that the sleeping in doesn't happen. Not that I'm complaining. Not at all. I could get used to the shorter weeks.

You know what’s a funny word? “Corpuscle”. That’s a funny sounding word. Say it slow; cooor-pussss-ellll. Then try to say it fast; corpuscle corpuscle corpuscle corpuscle corpuscle corpuscle. That’s kinda fun. I don’t know why I’m thinking about this right now. I just am amused by how some words sound really funny to me.

How about “Emote”. That’s a funny one (to me) too. It just has an amusing sound to it. Even before all the “E” stuff existed it was funny. Now though, it has even more potential. If you e-mote, you could be electronically sending feelings. Or an e-mote could be a virtual water hazard around a virtual castle. Cool word.

Another one I’ve always liked is “Conspiracy”. On the surface, it sounds like a bad thing, but break it down and you get ‘cons piracy’. How can something to do with Pirates be not fun? The one weird thing is that old Pirates were all considered cons anyway, so it becomes a very literal word when you think of it. I guess modern day Pirates might not be quite so romantic an idea.

Well, that's about enough of that tonight. I'm thinking myself silly. Maybe I should say "sillier"? Is that even a word?

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