Monday, July 18, 2005

Harry Who?

Can someone please enlighten me on just what is so special about Harry Potter? One of my co-workers just came in here visably upset because she had pre-ordered the latest book and it didn't come in yet. She said, "If I knew it would be late I could have just gone to WalMart and probably have read it all by now."

OK, now I've been a fan of some pop culture stuff, so I do understand being anxious for one of my fixes at times. I just haven't paid any attention to HP at all. I don't even know any characters or even what the whole premise is.

The one thing I gather is that the writing is pretty good. Funny, I'm a pretty avid reader, especially sci-fi and/or fantasy, but these books haven't caused the least bit of interest in me.

Who can give me the condensed version so I can decide if I want to check old Harry out?

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