My Uncle came through the surgery very well. The Doctor actually found 2 leaks in the lymph nodes. I’m not too clear on whether there were 2 lymph nodes leaking or 2 leaks in one, but it doesn’t matter, he fixed them.
His description was kind of gross too. He said there was a liter and a half of gunk sticking in the chest cavity under the lung he had originally operated on. He also mentioned scraping the old scar tissue and sticking the lung against the inside wall of the chest cavity after scraping it so it would attach itself to the wall. How freakin gross does that sound? Bleech!
Here’s some advice for everyone; if you can avoid it, don’t go into the Recovery Room with a loved one right after they have had surgery. It will tear you apart. They are in serious pain while trying to shake off the anesthetic. It’s not pretty plus it’s heartbreaking seeing them suffer until the pain medicine starts working. My Uncle didn’t know where he was and who we were. He also was really suffering badly from the pain in the area where he was cut. My Aunt and I were allowed into the Recovery Room yesterday and it was hard to take.
Later in Intensive Care he seemed much better. He knows everyone and knows where he is. The best part was the smile he gave us when he said, “I came through it, didn’t I?” That was great. He was sure he wouldn’t make it through another surgery. Two major operations in one month are hard on a 76-year-old person.
All in all, a decent day. A long one though. I was there for 11 hours and probably wouldn’t have left if not for the fact that no one is allowed in the Intensive Care area between 6:00 and 8:00. Plus, the couple buying our house was coming by to show it to their parents last night and I didn’t want to stick Nicci with that all alone.
They were sweet, a young Asian couple buying their first place. Very young actually. I was surprised at how young. They said that as soon as they saw our place they knew it was the one they wanted. None of the ones they had looked at were as nice. That was a nice compliment. They also are NOT painting over any of my artwork. They absolutely love it. I am relieved. I am leaving my Dartboard where it is because they liked it so much. That space wouldn’t look right without the board in place. (See the image below.) The dancing Calvin & Hobbes need something to dance around. I can always buy another one.
So that’s my quick update. I haven’t been able to catch up yet. I am looking forward to it tonight. Right now I am loading up the Jeep and heading out to the hospital again. Then I’ll be dumping off the load at my Aunt’s house, borrowing their truck and coming home for a bigger loading session. I want to move as much as possible before closing day. That way the actual move will be minimal. A piece of cake!
Thanks to everyone for the prayers and good vibes and well wishes. I really appreciate it. My Uncle is a cool guy and I’m sure if you knew him you’d be even more happy that he is getting better.

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