Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Break Up Day

Today is the #1 break-up day of the year. I didn't know that until I heard it in the news this morning. The day after Valentines Day is the time most break-ups occur. When people who really don't want to be together finally call it quits.

I wonder why? Why would people wait until Valentine's is over? Why wouldn't they avoid the sham of it all? It seems to me that the time just before Christmas would be better. Then you avoid all the Christmas shopping, the New Years Eve parties with someone you really don't want to be with and eventually the Valentine's Day stuff.

I've heard of people breaking up just before one or other person's birthday. I knew a guy who did that twice in high school. I think he wanted to save some cash for whoever was next in line. Yes, he was and still is a jerk.

So I guess today could be kind of a sad day. Unless you are doing the breaking up. Then it may feel liberating. But the whole idea weirds me out a little. The day after the most romantic day of the year should be spent in the afterglow. Not hitting the road. Personally I like afterglow. It's a warm fuzzy that lasts a while. Or at least it should. And I don't get many warm fuzzies anymore.

So if you are feeling like you are in the wrong relationship, don't end it today. Don't add to the sad statistics. Break the chain, be a rebel, go against the flow, be different..... wait and dump the loser tomorrow. :)

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