Saturday, February 11, 2006

BS Friday Answer

I'm finally able to get onto the blog for the answer to the BS Friday story. The story is all true. Surprised Jody? It seems like I have surprised you a few times lately.

I worked at the Humane Society for almost 6 years. It's a tough place to be. I went there because of my love for animals. After dealing with an idiotic and uncaring public, killing a few thousand anilmals a year and trying to be the best Animal Cruelty Investigator I could be but finding out that no one cared about that either, I got burnt out. I was in my mid 20's, developing an ulcer and developing a real bad attitude. I walked away from that job with no other job, no savings and no prospects. It was one of the best feelings I ever had the day I left.

That Chow dog got me in about my 2nd year. It taught me some valuable lessons. Most importantly that not all of the animals that came through those doors could be saved. We had so many coming in that I needed to learn when to try and save one and when to ignore the pain in my gut when their time came. It sucked. I do not miss it.

It took weeks to recover from the attack. My friend and co-worker was hurt pretty badly too. It took him some extra time to recover. I have a picture somewhere of me all bandaged up about a week after the attack. I'll post it when I find it.

All in all, it was a good time in my life. I have volunteered many many hours since leaving. I even won volunteer of the year once for putting in the most hours. That happened a couple years after I had left and started my BioTech career. I was much better mentally and emotionally then.

So there you have it. Another one for the books. Thanks once again to those who played along. It's been real. ;)

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