Monday, October 17, 2005

It's Monday Already

Say that again using Eeyore's voice. OK, now you've got it right. That's the proper Monday feeling.

The weekends are always too short. I vote for mandatory 3-day weekends from now on.

Not much to say this morning. Sorry for wasting your time.

One thing, Wednesday will be Schmoopy Post Day. I didn't have time over the weekend to contact everyone who said they wanted to do it, so I think we need a couple of days to get our Schmoops on before posting. The players who said they wanted to do a post were:

Jody (I think she was in)
Jen H. (are you in?)
Saurabh (He's a pro at this)
Grace (weren't you volunteering?)

Antone else feeling like they want to do a Schmoopy Post, be it real or whatever, feel free to join in. There is no pre-determined form. Just a poem, a letter - whatever.

The first Sex Poll is finally posted. (Right sidebar) The topic of sex was overwhelmingly voted for (surprise) and the amount of e-mails with suggestions were so varied I think I will have to do several different types of Polls just for this topic. I think I'll do the old "who, what, where (already done this week), when, why & how" deal. Looks like we'll be talking sex for several weeks to come.

OK, enough wasting space. Let's get this week headed toward the next weekend.

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