Friday, October 07, 2005

Things I’m Sick Of Today

I am a grouch this morning. I have no good thoughts at this time. Today almost everything is annoying to me. I have tried to force my way out of this funk but it hasn’t worked, so I am going to try and list things that are bugging me. Maybe I can vent a little and shake the negative feelings. Here’s my list of stuff that I’m sick of this morning:

Iraq – I am sick of all the negative stuff reported from Iraq. It’s a war zone people. We get it. There is some nasty shit happening there but I think there has to be something more to talk about. Something positive. The negative commentary is making me crazy.

The crybabies of the world are making me crazy too. All the goobs who insist that our troops just be pulled out of Iraq are idiots. Yeah, we shouldn’t be there in the first place. But we are and to just leave would be stupid. Remember Vietnam when we just up and left? We make the mess, we have to clean it up.

I keep hearing about the nukes that were dropped in Japan back in the 40’s. How we apologized and all that crap. That whole apology BS was nothing more than an ass-kissing move. That was a different era with a different set of problems. It was war and dropping the nukes ended the war before another 1,000,000 Americans were killed. Not to mention the untold number of Japanese people who would have died. So people should shut the f%#$ up about it. There is no way possible for this generation to understand what that generation had to deal with. Besides, ‘you mess with the bull, you get the horns’. Shut up.

I’m tired of all the “Help the Homeless” BS too. Homeless via disasters like Katrina, I understand. Homeless via drugs, laziness, and stupidity I can’t tolerate. The lazy bitches of the world should find a way to pay their way and we should stop enabling them to be worthless. The druggies of the world should just be allowed to croak and then we’d be rid of them.

High gas prices are unnecessary. It is just the result of greedy oil people looking for big profits at our expense. Crude oil prices have been steady and/or dropping lately but the gas prices are still high and in some places going up. Jerk-offs with their BS reasoning about why the costs are up are full of it. I think Bush must have stock in oil or something.

There is a new Victoria’s Secret in Virginia that people are getting all pissy about. Apparently they object to mannequins in underwear posed in the windows. Funny, I thought all VS stores had those. What makes these dorks so special that they think it’s wrong? F.O.

This whole Supreme Court nomination of the unknown woman is annoying too. WTF is her name? Yeah, it’s like that. No one knows her views on anything. Big deal. Isn’t the Supreme Court supposed to interpret the Constitution and rule accordingly? Who cares about someone’s opinions. Wtf is up with the ‘balance of left and right’ on the Court anyway? They are SUPPOSED to judge by what is in the Constitution, not what their opinion is. Oh yeah, they stopped that a long time ago. I forgot. As for Bush promising one thing and doing another; Gee, that’s surprising from a life long politician. Stop acting like you are surprised.

Ok, this is getting a little longer than I thought it would. Here are some other little things I want to vent about:

Bad apple dumplings – I hate it when the lazy bitches just core an apple and wrap it in dough. Slice them up!
Bad coffee - there is such a thing Meritt ;)
Chocolate ice cream – it sucks
Tomatoes – how do people eat those things?
Coconut – the scourge of western society
Bell bottom jeans – ugly then, uglier now
Cowboy stuff – in the city. Can you say “Dork” boys and girls?
Spam – jerk offs send it, almost as bad as telemarketers

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