Thursday, October 13, 2005

You're My Schmoopy

*I apologize for posting this link after lunch. Luckily I have a strong stomach and didn't barf when I read it.*

So now Demi Moore and Ashton are called "Dashmi"? How come the press or whoever makes these things up can't just be shot for their sickness? It seems to be an epidemic.

Anyway, the part I had to post about was the poetic side of Ashton. He said "I hope the love that we share can resonate around the world so that someday I can hear its echo."

For real. He did. Read the story.

I haven't heard anything so schmoopy since high school. I remember those feelings too. Back then the 'love that will never die' feelings brought about lines like that all the time. Of course, those high school love affairs usually lasted until somewhere around lunch time. The good thing was that after lunch you could recycle the lines for the next 'love to end all loves'.

Girls came up with the good stuff. Guys sucked at it (usually). I did have one girlfriend who kept sending me sweet little notes and she would sign them "Puppy love is great!" I did not make that up. Funny stuff, eh?

Truthfully, love is grand. New romance is the most fun. It is the best when it is new and exciting and all that romantic crap keeps pouring out of you. Too bad those new feelings fade. But without the beginnings of relationships, the poetry would all end up kinda lame or just uninspired Hallmark poopie.

I think some bloggers could do a lot better than those Hallmark people. There are some good writers in the blogworld.

Maybe we should have a 'Schmoopy Posting Day' on blogger. Just to see who really is a romantic at heart. I have noticed that some of my blog friends are still quite enthralled with their significant others. Those who aren't could write something about a crush then. Or just making up something would be fun too. Like Jack in "As Good As It Gets".

Or better yet, recycle something from their past. That would be the best. Recycling is good for the environment. Well, maybe not this type. But it would be fun.

Who's game for a Schmoopy Post Day?

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