Sunday, November 06, 2005

BS Friday Answer

OK, I'm back. The trip to Colonial Williamsburg was great! We toured Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown while we there. Also the Williamsburg Winery, which was a highlight. It was a kick-ass trip. If anyone hasn't been to this area to suck up the amazing amount of American history available there, I totally recommend it. You won't be sorry.

As for the BS Friday story, it was false. A total lie. Sorry to disappoint those of you who consider me an angel and all, but I do lie sometimes. ;)

One truthful part of the story is that I do know a guy like that. He was even half-killed by a stripper's bodyguard at a bachelor party once. He touched the girl. Dumbass. But the truth is, I don't hang with someone I can't stand and just knowing he was in the same town gritted on me, so I never witnessed anything but that one incident.

Now for the bad news. I won't be blogging from work anymore. I read the info from the new job and it specifically states what can and can't be done with the work computers. Blogging and anything not work related are disallowed. I'll be an early morning and evening blogger for now. Hopefully I'll get into a good routine. I guess I was spoiled at the last job. I've made a lot of good blogger buds and I don't intend on losing any. Bear with me until I get used to the new hours and get into the new schedule.

OK, now it's time to see what you've all been up to while I was away.....

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