Monday, November 28, 2005

Welcome Back (Kotter?)

Here I am, back at the old homestead. It feels kinda.... umm.... normal? I am a little bummed that the new job didn't work out like I had hoped. Chalk it up to a learning experience, I guess.

I got the royal treatment upon my return. Yep, the red carpet was rolled out... OK, maybe the red mat... OK, it's just the same old dirty door mat, but it is rolled out.

And the marching band was here along with balloons and flowers.... well, maybe that was just someone marching down the street with a boom box. But I did see a balloon today. OK, I plan to see a balloon today sometime. I can celebrate my return somehow. We'll see what the day brings.

Ah well, at least the coffee is fresh.

I did get a nice warm hug from Peachy when she got here. That made the whole 3 week ordeal worth it. Actually, it wasn't much of an ordeal. It was just a long-ish strange trip and now I'm back. Who knows? Maybe next month I can do it all again. That could be fun.

Or not.

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