Thursday, November 03, 2005

BS Friday (A Little Early)

Welcome to BS Friday. You know the drill, I’ll write it and you tell me if it’s real or just BS.

(I have to post this now because I don’t think I’m going to have the chance tomorrow. Plus, you get a longer time to think about it since I’ll be away until Sunday afternoon.)

This weeks post is called: Quit While You Are Behind

I am always amazed at the recuperative abilities of the human body. It really can heal itself quickly. One time in particular comes to mind.

I was out with friends one night and this guy we knew showed up that wasn’t really invited. You see he was a big mouth. He was also constantly wired somehow and never shut up. On top of that, he was just plain old obnoxious. No one invited him out because after a few brews, he was got completely out of control. Scary out of control.

This night just happened to be a bad time for that. We all met at a local bar before going to a strip club just over the state line. He caught us as we were finishing our last pre-trip beers. Naturally, he invited himself along.

When we got into the strip club we all got some liquid refreshment and squeezed up to the raised dance floor. Everything was going OK until big mouth got a few beers in him. Then he started with the stupid stuff. He would lean way over the brass barrier that kept us slobs from reaching the dancers and try to bite the closest one to him. He would lean way in when they came for his dollar and rub his nose on them as much as he could. He was screaming at them when they weren’t paying attention them. It was embarrassing and very irritating.

Finally one of the bouncers came over to him and told him in no uncertain terms that he had to stop acting like an ass or his was going to get kicked. He of course said he’d calm down. I think he hadn’t had too many beers yet. So when he started buying rounds of Tequila for everyone, I knew he was in trouble.

Soon he was back to asshole mode. We kept trying to get him to chill but it wasn’t working. Then he did it. A new dancer came on stage and came over near us and he went nuts. She leaned down near us and he reached out and grabbed both her boobs. Next thing you know, 3 bouncers had him in their grip and were dragging him out of the place. We followed, trying to tell these gorillas that we would just leave. They threw big mouth down and were totally willing to let us go, but of course he didn’t let things die down. The dumb ass jumped up and ran into one of the bouncer dudes, knocking him down. That was all it took and all 3 of them started whipping his ass good. It took us a good 5 minutes to get things stopped in which time the dork took a pretty good beating.

We took him home that night and a couple guys went inside to help clean him up and get him into bed. He really looked rough. I thought that he’d had to learn his lesson from that. I also thought I would have to worry about running into him anytime soon.

Just 2 nights later though, there he was back out on the town, acting like a jerk and he didn’t even seem to be feeling too rough. When he came over to talk to me his right eye had rainbow colors around it but that was all that was visible. After a few beers, the dork got into a fight with some guy. Apparently he didn’t appreciate Mr. Bigmouth hitting on his girl right in front of him. When the ruckus started, I just got up and left. I’ll bet he still hasn’t learned his lesson. If he’s still alive, that is.

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