Saturday, November 12, 2005

BS Friday Answer

Time for the truth about the BS Friday story. The truth is..... it is mostly a big fat lie. Some elements are true but mostly it’s not.

The first 4 paragraphs are true. The cliques and the plan to broadcast something funny did happen. We just never got around to it.

The part about the stripper party was semi-true. It happened but we weren’t there. The Teacher sleeping with the ex-student who was a stripper was a big rumor mostly because he did get busted with another Teacher. His wife was also the Art teacher I referred to. I benefited from her husband being a butthead, but that is a story for another day.

One other thing, somewhere in all my old junk around here is one of the autographed pictures that the stripper girl signed for “The Boys in the Lounge”. That is how she signed it. My sister knew her. She said the girl graduated 2 years ahead of her. I haven’t thought about that pic. for a long time. Who knows, maybe she’s a famous porn star now? I could sell it for a few bucks. If I can find it again.

Thanks to everyone who played along.

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