Friday, August 27, 2004

Intrusive Thoughts

I've been having a lot of intrusive thoughts lately. (Intrusive thoughts are thoughts that just pop into your head, driven by some outside stimulus. Thoughts you don't expect, they just happen.) For example, Peachy and I were at lunch today and the waitress was wearing a half shirt and low waisted jeans so that her midriff was exposed. Normally, this is a pretty OK outfit in my book (sue me, I'm a guy) but this time it was a questionable call. Her belly was pretty round and was sticking out several inches. Didn't look like quite the right outfit for her figure. So the first time I saw this, immediately this thought popped into my head: "I wonder what it would be like to rub her belly?" The whole scenario ran through my head in an instant, including the slap in the face I would receive if I did it. (No, I'd never try something like that! Geez.) The next time she came around, I imagined wetting my finger and sticking it into her belly-button. I don't know if these kind of weird thoughts would happen if her belly wasn't so round, but they sure did. I don't always remember the intrusive thoughts I have, but usually when I do remember, I get a good laugh.


peachy said...

I think it's like Buddha. You see the belly poking out, you just want to rub it. Although I didn't have the same thought. My thought was ewwww..

Anonymous said...

Once a perve...always a perve, right?