Thursday, August 12, 2004

The Morning Commute

I bet this has happened to everyone. You're cruising along in the morning, half asleep, doing your customary cruising speed when you run into a large grouping of vehicles going slower than you want to. Thoughts come rushing through your mind like, What the..?.., Get out of my way! Finally you're able see around the vehicles ahead. A police officer is cruising along at the posted speed. Your frustration boils over! How dare he get in your way! How dare he drive the speed limit and back up traffic like this! Geez, I might be late!

This is the way this morning started for me. As I had the extra time, I began to think about how the 'good' start to the day is heavily predicated on being able to break the law and get away with it consistently. For most of us, our timed schedule in the morning relies on getting away with speeding. We don't alter our schedule to allow for driving the posted speed. That would mean getting up earlier, being more motivated earlier, being concerned about the cost of a speeding ticket.

I guess this extra time to think and ponder possible consequences could make us better citizens? Maybe I should be grateful to the police? Welcome to the morning commute.


Anonymous said...

I can relate, seems as though we travel the same road. I can't understand it when they do the speed limit especially at ruhs hours. Don't they usually drive as though they are on a high sped chase,after all they are cops and have the talent to drive better than any one else if you know what I mean. It seems as though they're chasing they're appitites to the douhgnut shop.

See ya on half of the commute!

Anonymous said...

I can relate, seems as though we travel the same road. I can't understand it when they do the speed limit especially during rush hours. Don't they usually drive as though they are on a high speed chase,after all they are cops and have the talent to drive better than any one else if you know what I mean. It seems as though they're chasing they're appitites to the douhgnut shop.

See ya on half of the commute!

Anonymous said...

Sent it twice. should have done a spell check first, Guess we all get in a hurry A.