Thursday, September 29, 2005

Sick(ening) Day

So here I sit, trying o keep down whatever is left inside, looking at HNT pics. I can't stand being sick. I can't stand wasting a day off when I'm really feeling bad. When I'm off, I want to be off for fun stuff.

I felt fine yesterday. Maybe a little more run down than usual but nothing that I thought should be a big deal. Now I'm feeling like I've been run through the ringer.

Isn't that a cool term? I remember when I was little my Mom had one of those old washing machines that had the ringer attached to the back. No matter how bad I knew it would be, I alway wanted to stick my finger in between the rollers when it was running. It was a need for some reason. Luckily I never did it. That would have hurt. It was so tempting though.

Anyway, I'll be checking in periodically. Hopefully this will pass quickly. What a waste of a day. I didn't even have much to do at work. It would have been an easy time there. Damn the luck!

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