Saturday, January 14, 2006

BS Friday Answer

Time for the BS Friday answer. The story is true. All of it. That time in life was full of adventures like this one. It was great. That guy Ted was a real jerk. I couldn't type exactly how obnoxious he was. He really started getting in my face and it was so obvious why. I've known a few guys like that in my time. The kind that see threats to their manly conquests even when they aren't there. Dorks. They don't realize that stuff like that usually doesn't impress the ladies. I was just there for a beer or three. It turned out better though. ;)

It's no wonder I have a hard time with this life. This settled lifestyle really grits on me a lot. I think it's the lack of freedom to have adventures like the ones I post about. I don't even know that I would follow through with a situation like this one these days. I do know that not having the freedom to do so sucks. I think that whole idea of 'sowing your wild oats before you settle down' is actually backwards. I think it's best to not know what you are missing.

Welcome to YB's brain.

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