Sunday, January 08, 2006

What If You Had A Twin?

I always thought it would be great to have a twin. I’d love to be half of a set of twins. Or even to have twin girls. (Get your mind out of the gutter. I meant if I had kids.) I love the whole idea. At least I did until yesterday.

Yesterday I went to Jo Ann’s with Nicci for something she wanted to get and I noticed some twins. The thing is, they were, well… pretty darned ugly. Sorry, I tried to find a way to soften that. They really were. They were identical. They were huge. They both had 3 chins and even those chins looked the same. They had big old hunched backs and that big flabby thing that extra large women get in front. You know the one, it hangs under their bellies and looks like a butt in front. Scary!

For some reason, I never thought about the possibility of twins being ugly. It just didn’t occur to me. But now that I’ve seen those two, I realize there can be a bad side to being one of a pair. Imagine seeing your reflection in real time and not liking it much. Never being able to ignore it. On days when I feel blah! I just ignore mirrors and stuff that reminds me of me. Those two sure can’t do that.

Weird thoughts, to be sure. I’m kinda glad now that I’m not a twin.

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