Saturday, March 04, 2006

BS Friday Answer

Good morning everyone. Here is your answer to the BS Friday story. The whole thing is true. No embellishments, no stretching the truth. I smashed up my friends car good that day.

Once it sank in what had happened and I was sure we weren’t bleeding to death I remember saying to Crash that we needed to switch seats. I was uninsured so he would get nothing out of it. That’s how we ended up with him taking the heat. It wasn’t so bad though since I paid for the car and his parents thought he paid for it. But his insurance did go up a bit.

The poor guy couldn’t get a break early in his driving career. I was so shell shocked by the incident that I didn’t drive again until I was 17.

So there you have it, another week done. Thanks again to everyone who played along. Have a great weekend

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