Sunday, March 26, 2006

BS Friday Answer(s)

Here are the answers to the BS Friday list:

1. I can't stand peanut butter but one of my favorite things in the world is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. True. I love Grape Jelly and peanut butter. Light on the PB please.

2. I once met Jenny McCarthy and she gave me a high five. True. It was at a book signing event for her first book. She was high-fiving the crowd as she left and her pinky finger caught my index finger. I haven't washed it since. ;)

3. I am responsible for, or at least a partner in, 7 different blogs. True. Some are secret. (Don't ask, I won't tell.)

4. I am such a true blue Yankee that I quit coaching Little League when they changed my team name away from the Scotland Yankees. True. I had all first year players my first season. We lost every game but by the end of the schedule we were almost winning. The second year we went undefeated. The third year we got a bunch of new players and a new name. I couldn't tolerate being on a team called 'the Braves' so I gave it up.

5. I am seldom serious and most people have a hard time deciding if/when I am. True. Just ask Peachy. It is a real problem sometimes.

6. I have never seen even one episode of 24. True. Mostly because of all the hype.

7. I am secretly in love with a blogger friend. True. She probably knows who she is too.

8. I believe that Liberals are the devils tools. True. There can be no other explanation for the outrageous ways they keep working to destroy the fabric of American society.

9. I understand the Debra LaFave thing because I had a year long romance (term loosely used) with a teacher when I was in Senior High. True. I never regretted it and neither did she. It was a great time in my life.

10. My first encounter with a prostitute was in Denmark and it scared me so much I just left the bar. (It is legal there btw.) True. I didn't realize where I had wandered into and what was happening until the girl(s) just flat out asked if I wanted to go to my room for sex. Dumb-ass me couldn't get it into my head so they had to make it obvious.

Notice a pattern here? All true answers. It was a trick quiz. But I am tricky like that. ;)

Thanks to everyone who played along (Peachy and S!) See you again next week.

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