Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Phone Appreciation Day

It has occurred to me recently that we take modern marvels for granted. Specifically in my mind recently is the amazing invention of the telephone. When you think about it the phone is truly amazing.

You can pick up that little hand held mechanism and punch in a few numbers and talk to anyone anywhere in the world. You can talk to them for however long you want to. You can talk about any subject at all. It's like you are right there with them in the same room. It's like taking a short trip and being right there instantly. Amazing!

Sometimes when I'm on the phone with someone I will close my eyes and visualize the person I'm talking to. I will listen to their voice, to what they are saying, how they say it and make a picture in my mind of how they are sitting or lying down, how their facial reactions are, whether they are biting their lip or messing with their hair or just messing with something else, distracted, not totally in the conversation. I sometimes do other things when I'm on the phone so I try to 'see' what the person I'm talking to is doing too.

Yep, the phone is a really cool thing. We have them everywhere now. I imagine when they were first invented how people reacted. They probably thought it was a passing fad back then. These days, I just don't see how we can get along without them nor how we ever did.

Today I appreciate my phone. :)


Me said...

In our family we hate the phone! LOL. I, especially, do not like talking on the phone. Not even to friends. I miss the good old days of letter writing. ;)

But.. I must be truthful. I wrote my Grandmother a letter 2 weeks ago and it never got mailed. Just sat on the counter. Finally I had to rip it up 2 days ago and write her a new updated one. I wanted to send a little gift with it though, and I couldn't find the right sized little box to mail it so the gift AND the letter are on the counter... for the 3rd day thus far.

I suppose calling would have been quicker. Hee hee.

Badpatty said...

I'm with you on this one. Periodically, from out of the blue, I'm struck dumb by how COOL something is. Glass, chainsaws, rototillers. . . yow.