Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sunday Sunday

Ok, I know the song is Monday Monday but I figured I wouldn't remember that tomorrow.

The new look is nearly complete. I'm liking it so far. If you are wondering about the gray color base, just remember that I am first and foremost a Yankee. It was the closest thing I could find to the Yanks away colors. I am usually only able to see the boys when they are away from Yankee Stadium, so it seemed fitting.

But if and when I can figure out how to pinstripe this blog, I will do it. :)

I love the little Yankee emblem seperators between posts. They make me happy. See, I'm easy to please... most of the time. The Bugs Yankee is a happy touch too. I felt I really needed to personalize this thing or I was going to dump it altogether. So here we are.

I do need to figure out how to make the Haloscan comments lettering bolder. It's hard to see at the bottom of the posts. But at least it's there and the comments are intact. I was worried about that. I also cannot figure out how to make the title bolder/bigger. It has been annoying trying to fund that but I will. Eventually. I hope. ;)

So Yankeebob is on it's way once again. Hopefully it will be as much fun the next couple of years as this first couple have been. Thanks to all my blogger buds for making it hard to just drop it altogether. Happy Sunday!

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