Friday, March 24, 2006

BS Friday

Welcome once again to BS Friday. This week we are doing something a little different. I had a suggestion from a friend that I do another quiz type BS Friday. I like those too but the last one I did was too long. This time we'll keep it to just 10 statements. You choose which are true and which are BS. Ok, here we go:

1. I can't stand peanut butter but one of my favorite things in the world is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

2. I once met Jenny McCarthy and she gave me a high five.

3. I am responsible for, or at least a partner in, 7 different blogs.

4. I am such a true blue Yankee that I quit coaching Little League when they changed my team name away from the Scotland Yankees.

5. I am seldom serious and most people have a hard time deciding if/when I am.

6. I have never seen even one episode of 24.

7. I am secretly in love with a blogger friend.

8. I believe that Liberals are the devils tools.

9. I understand the Debra LaFave thing because I had a year long romance (term loosely used) with a teacher when I was in Senior High.

10. My first encounter with a prostitute was in Denmark and it scared me so much I just left the bar. (It is legal there btw.)

There you go. My impromptu 10 questions. Let me know what you think. :)

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