Saturday, December 03, 2005

Hello Old Friend

Yeah, I remember you. I knew you right away. How could I forget? It’s those eyes. They are unforgettable. There are no other eyes like that in the world. Can’t be. Easily the most intense, most differently colored, most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.

I knew who you were before I even saw your face. I didn’t need to. But the face is still the same. Almost. More wrinkles. Deeper wounds on a pretty face. I look intentionally at the corners of those eyes. Looking for the little wrinkles that tell me you still laugh. They are cut deep. They are still prominent. Still the deepest. That makes me smile.

The surprise on your face was genuine. How could we have run into each other so far from there? Where we knew each other was a long way from here. It was a long time from here. It’s a small world after all. ;)

I feel good to see you. You were a light back then. I think didn’t know it though. Not until it was too late.

I feel bad to hear your story. The choices you made a decade ago have led you here. To where you are ready to start all over again. Too bad. I knew it then. We knew it then. You chose differently. Follow your heart? Gets you in trouble sometimes.

Thanks. I missed you too. It was good to see you too. The hug is familiar. It ignites a dull ache in the pit of my stomach. Something long ago forgotten. Well, apparently not forgotten. Maybe just lost in storage.

Walk away now. I didn’t miss you before. I haven't for a while at least. I will now. It was good to see you too. Take care of you.

Huh. I don’t even know where you are going. Where you live now. Funny, I never thought to find out. I wonder how that happens? Maybe I didn’t want to know? Perhaps I wasn’t ready to know. Best to let sleeping dogs lie.

It sure was good to see you again.

I think so anyway.

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