Thursday, December 29, 2005

It Was One Of Those Nights

Did you ever have one of ‘those’ nights? The kind that starts out wrong and just won’t straighten up? That’s what happened to me last night. The whole evening sucked and it started with just one small misplaced sentence that pissed me off. It should have just started and ended quickly, but somehow it blossomed into this big ass issue. Ruined the evening.

Nicci came stomping into the house, yelling about how the breezeway light wasn’t turned on. She wants it turned on every evening. Like an idiot, I asked why. A simple question. Easy to answer. But no, it turned into a ‘bash YB’ scene. She wanted it on. That was all.

And I’m supposed to be a mind reader apparently.

Now, I could see that she might have a reason for this if the garage light and the kitchen light weren’t on already. If I had turned on the breezeway light, she would have needed sunglasses to keep her from getting blinded. I swear she would turn all the lights on in the house all the time if she could. The electric company would be really happy with her if she had her way. I didn’t get it at all. She actually kind of freaked out. There was this whole big scene about that damn light. Mostly I just listened. But it was a scene.

I remember later sitting with Nicci still wondering why she had snapped about something so silly. She was jabbering on & on about stuff like nothing had happened. Me, I wasn’t even listening. In my mind I was thinking “Why doesn’t she just shut up? Can’t she see I’m not interested? How did I end up here? This whole scene is just grating on me. Geez, when will this night ever end?” I just couldn’t get past the freak-out. I stayed annoyed and irritable all evening.

Finally I just got up and went away (to the basement). I knew I would make things worse if I hung around any more. Still today I’m wondering wtf that whole scene was about. Tonight I’ll turn on just the stupid breezeway light and nothing else. There will be a lot less light, but I’ll get to see how she reacts to that one.

Sometimes I wonder how anyone stays in a relationship anymore. It’s the stupid little things that drive a person crazy.

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