Thursday, December 01, 2005

HNT In YB's World

I have been a lurker in the HNT world since it started. It has become one of my favorite Thursday things. There are a lot of creative people out there (not to mention sexy people) and I think Osbasso started something awesome.

In honor of HNT, I am posting some pics of people from my world. This is probably the only HNT post I'll do and although it is decidedly tongue-in-cheek, I hope you enjoy it.

First, here's Peachy. :)

Next, Spacebrain. (You have to imagine him with a mustache though.)

This is a guy we work with. (He really does look like this.)

This is my 91 year old neighbor.

This is an old friend from high school. She has that bod but also a similar face.

This is a business executive we all know (and love).

Finally, this is me. ;)

So there's my first (and probably last) HNT post. I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to see the real deal, check out the King Of HNT. His site will point you in the right direction.

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