Thursday, February 10, 2005


I would like to thank the 'Design Engineer' who helped make the remote entry key fob for my new car for being a dork. This thing has the alarm button located on the back directly in the center. Perfect spot for setting it off pretty much any time you pick the thing up. The alarm gets set off when I take the keys out of my pocket, when I put them into my pocket, when I'm opening the door after using it, if I drop the keys. It's a menace!!!

I'm quite sure my neighbors loved me (and you) this morning at 6:00 A.M. when the damn thing went off again, just because I put my keys into my opposite hand to open the car door. Yeah, thanks.

Design Engineer... pffftt!


MomMega: said...

I wonder about those design you think they knowingly make stupid designs sometimes just to fuck with people. I think so. Somewhere out there, that guy is having a good chuckle about the alarm button!

grace said...

yeah... well, you know those design engineers... they don't always have uhm... common sense... yeah...

a beer sort of girl said...

Mine is similar! It's not on the back, in the middle, but it is right next to the 'unlock' button. It's so embarassing when you are approaching your car in a parking garage & it starts to go off. I always get flustered, and it takes me longer to make it stop. Oy.