Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Another Intrusive Thought

Everyone knows how much I love to share my intrusive thoughts. They really amuse me.

Tonight I was in the grocery store aisle with all the paper towels and that kind of stuff when this little, scrawny guy came around the corner. Now, I'm not a big guy. I'm 5'6" and this guy looked small next to me. He had those little half glasses on the end of his nose and the skinniest little arms and legs. He had a heck of a time just getting the cart turned into the aisle. That cracked me up.

As he came near to me, I envisioned myself reaching up and grabbing the Brawny paper towels, handing them to him and asking if that was what he was looking for. To me, that guy had to be a Brawny user. You know, one of those subconscious things people do. I could see him using Brawny towels just to feel more Brawny.

I did reach for them out of reflex, but I stopped myself. When I looked around, Nicci was giving me this really stern look, as if she had read my mind and didn't want me to do it. That cracked me up even more.

Oh well, it made sense to me at the time anyway. Intrusive thoughts are too much fun.

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