She was so much fun to hang with. We did a lot of craziness together. I don't know if you can tell by the pic but she's 100% Italian. also, 100% hotness. The pic doesn't do her justice. Her name is one of the coolest sounding names ever (I obscurely posted it once long ago in some quiz list). For this post, we'll just call her Rootch. That was her nickname.
She was one of the more spontaneous people I've even known. You never knew what she'd do next. Especially after a few extra beers or a little time to talk herself into something. I remember once going to this bar downtown that was done in a beach theme. It even had a fenced back area with palm trees and sand. Well, there were these 2 pillars holding up the ceiling and someone had mounted a surfboard between them. One night the song "Wipeout" came on the jukebox and the next thing I knew she was up on that surfboard doing a go-go dance. It was a Saturday night and the place was packed. Needless to say, she had quite an audience.
I remember more than a few times we'd be out and she'd see a guy she thought was good looking and want to talk to him. I'd keep telling her to just go say hi. Then, after a few beers she'd go up to him and say, "Do you know you're a really good looking guy?" That is the ultimate icebreaker, I think.
One time she came back from a trip to Jamaica (I think) with all that long dark hair done in beads. It looked awesome! The beads started at he scalp and were worked into the hair to the ends. All you could see were the beads. She said it took about 5 hours to have it done. She left it for a few weeks. Then it took just as long to remove. You never could predict her.
We shared a lot of good times, ol Rootch and I. We shared some rough ones too. She had this really mean, abusive roommate for a while. Geez! What a bitch she was! I spent a good deal of time helping her around that situation. She had a really controlling dickheaded boyfriend for a while too. He sucked! It took her a while to realize that she didn't need that mess. Took a while to get over it too. She wasn't one to take relationships lightly.
She moved back to her hometown a few years ago for a new job. We kept in touch a lot at first. We even spent weekends together. Then, predictably the communication became less and less. Soon it was just Christmas and Birthdays. Then just cards on special holidays. Now, not even those special times. The last I knew of her, she had gotten married. Inherited 2 little girls via marriage and was living happily ever after. She was the type to want that lifestyle, so I'm sure she's doing well. I hope so.
I miss you Rootch. God bless you.

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