Friday, June 17, 2005

Rookies In The Workplace

I've decided what it is I don't like about Rookies. They tend to over-react to Management. They also seem to have this idealistic view of the workplace. One that can never live up to the standard they've set in their minds. Being in the same business for 18 years, I've seen many of these types come and go. (I've been there myself too.) They have a tendency to take things personally when most of the time (emphasis on most) things aren't personal.

When I was new to the biz, I remember thinking I knew my stuff better than the people above me. Truthfully, a lot of times I did. The missing link in my mind was that I didn't know how what I did effected what they did. I didn't know what pressures they had above them and what the projects I handled meant further up the line. I just thought I knew it all. I also thought they owed me for doing my job.

Isn't that a silly thought? Thinking they owed me for doing what I was hired to do. Most people want recognition for a job well done. A lot deserve it too. But why should management continually thank you for doing your job? A daily thank you? I don't think so. They don't owe you thanks for the daily stuff. That's what your paycheck is for. You do your job, you get paid. Going above and beyond is another story. There's where the pat on the back is necessary. Mandatory in my book. But to expect someone to stop by and tell you you’re doing great on a regular basis is kind of silly.

Another group that annoys me is the 'problem children'. The high-maintenance employees. The people who complain constantly and are negative about everything. To them, they are right and everyone else is wrong and they don’t mind saying so. They are a total disruption to the group. Those are the ones to weed out. They don't realize that, although this is a free country (so called) management does own part of you when you are in their workplace. That paycheck doesn't buy your soul, but it does rent your behavior. While you are in their employ and in the workplace, they can and should tell you how to behave. Disagreements and discussions are a necessity in the healthy workplace. Disrespect and blatant disregard for direction are unacceptable behavior. I've dealt with a lot of those types. Continuous reactions like that and you have to go. I don't care if you are the best in your field. Time to get the boot. A lot of times, but not always, this type of person is also a rookie.

I’ve been there. I also outgrew it. Now I can’t stand these types of reactions/reactors. Nope, I don't have the patience for rookies anymore.

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