Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Jogger Brought This On

Two nights ago I was driving home and in the distance I noticed a jogger. The part of the road I was on was a long straightaway so the jogger was a good distance from me. Needless to say, I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a gal.

Now, don't think badly of me, but when I see a jogger in the distance I get interested. I'm always hoping it's a good looking, athletic babe out for a good workout. (C'mon guys, you know that thought goes through your head too.) I just assume that women hope it's a good looking guy. True???

Anyway, when I got close I saw it was a guy. He was in great shape and looked to me like someone women would like to look at. I say that with caution because, for some reason, the guys I think women will find attractive a lot of times aren't. I guess I was a little disappointed to be honest, but I think anyone who is in great shape like this guy was is good looking. I'd just rather see a woman jogger.

This started me thinking about times I've been out with one of my best friends (a woman) and we would pick out people we thought each other would find attractive. I'd say that maybe 50% of the time the people we'd pick for each other was acceptable. That's really not a good average. It's amazing how diversified physical attraction can be. I'm not talking about when you know someone well and find them attractive (or not). A person's personality can make them even more attractive (or not) even if they don't have the appearance of a movie star or something. I'm talking about the 'first glance' kind of thing. Purely physical.

I've never had a blind date or even been set-up with someone by a friend. I think that would be pretty tough for someone to do for me. I know I wouldn't want to try doing it for someone else. Not unless I knew each person really well and knew their personalities would mesh. I wonder how people decide to accept a blind date? I think the anticipation would be tough, wondering what the person is really like, if they are pretty (or not) and what happens when you meet the person and you either find them really attractive (or not)? How do you keep from showing your glee/relief (or disappointment) when you finally meet them? I suppose that's when you have to become the actor.

This reminds me of when Jerry and Elaine set up George on a blind date with Elaine's friend. "Does she have a pinkish hue?" That turned out well. ;)

Can you see how my mind works? I notice a jogger and it sends my thoughts into a totally different world. Sometimes even I wonder about me.....

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